
October 4, 2023

Gemma  & Jax at the playground Long time, no update. I spent a lot of time in the past two months helping to design and publish The New Absurdist: Legacy website. It is a sort of archive of stories originally published at The New Absurdist between 2002 and 2016. There are about 60 stories and 15 authors involved so far. I loved working on this and getting back in touch with some old friends after a long time apart. Why not check it out? There is some interesting writing there.

August 11, 2023

Gemma outdoors I added a custom icon to the site, downloaded (free) from icon-icons. Seems my SSL certificate is not that liked by some browsers. Opera, Firefox indicate "not secure", Edge says the connection is secure. Good enough, then. A massively windy day yesterday sent Gemma, Jaxson, and myself to the playground for a couple of hours. They did a lot of swinging, plus some sliding. Gemma played in the sandbox. They both played together on the slide. Then I gave them Freezee-Pops. Me? I relaxed and enjoyed the weather.

August 8, 2023

Jaxson This page hasn't been updated recently because my free webhosting didn't work out, and my laptop died. Now the laptop is repaired (finally). Now Babyhead has a new domain, and new web-hosting via Hostgator. I am also enjoying a faster and more dependable internet connection. Things are looking up!

May 6, 2023

Jaxson I've added the story Super Relax to the archive. It was previously published at Zygote In My Coffee in July 2006 as the featured story. In other news: Lovely day yesterday. I had Gemma and Jaxson for a while. We went outside to blow bubbles and run around and fall down and scrape our noses and cry, and recover, and whatnot. The image above is Jaxson at a nearby playground. He retains some reservations regarding the swingset, though Gemma loves it. I have a strong psychic hunch he will change his mind, given enough time.

May 4, 2023

I've hunted and found the elimae archives hosted by Cooper Renner. Links to three stories I wrote for them can be found on the links page. The micro Yellow Dog is not bad. It is an excerpt from a Hypertext called The Chi Flow Shoes.

April 25, 2023

GemmaThe re-worked CSS test pages have been added here. It was fun to work on them again. I added and corrected some styling. Enjoy.

(1:30 p.m.): Gemma (5) and Jaxson (4) arrived, and destroyed everything within minutes. A battery powered baby shark bubble machine was utilized. Young children were running around in 40 degree April sunshine, chasing bubbles and enjoying themselves, and we all felt sunshiny and content.

April 13 2023

Added janie. I like this one.

April 10, 2023

Waiting for the kids to get here.

Today I will have Gemma, 5, who is a weiner. Today I will have Jaxson, 4, also a huge weiner. We are very close. I have been helping to care for Gemma since she was 2 days old, and Jaxson since he was six months old. He spent the first six months of his life in the hospital. How's that for a birthday present?

April 9, 2023

FaceI'm back online with a new website (babyhead) for the first time in 8 years. Hurrah!

This site is hosted for free. Going to get better hosting soon (That's the plan). Meanwhile, I am putting up a few pages and working on some more. Let me know if you have trouble accessing the site: heads9663fs @ gmail.com.


CSS ArrowI just put the CSS Workbook online. The hosting is so dodgy here. Pages may (or may not) appear, even though they are live. Styling of pages is sometimes incorrect. I think this is due partly to importing the style sheet. So dodgy.