
My name is Craig Snyder and this is my website. It’s sweet, right?

I’m a writer of mostly short fiction. I also design basic text-based websites.

I live in Big Rapids, Michigan, which is north of Grand Rapids.

My favorite place in Michigan is the north shore of Lake Huron. It’s all cedars and glacial rocks, and water. At night the wind whispers through the cedars. Looking up you see the night sky, completely black with a billion stars, sheeted by the Northern Lights. You can actually hear the Northern Lights if it’s quiet enough.

Most people don’t know that.

Contents of the site include micro fiction and CSS design experiments, as well as hyperlinks to other sites which mirror my interests. Yes I’m on stupid Facebook.

Please note: I (used to) design and edit a small digital magazine dedicated to ultra short fiction and poetry called Rumble Magazine. It is dead now.