The CSS Typography Workbook

№ 1

CSS With A Bullet

A simple bullet demonstration. Based on an idea found at the CSS:Destroy! website.

№ 2

Cyclops Revenge

Some fun with unicode characters, z-indexing, and hover events.

№ 3

Goodnight, Moon

More unicode fun. Simulating a graphic with bullets and positioning.

№ 4

Roller Coaster

Very simple header demo built using float, margins, and hover events.

№ 5

Acronym Reverso

Simple demonstration of a rarely used hover event with acronyms.

№ 6

CSS HoverPaper

Is it useful? Is it Typography? A basic way to hide and reveal text with z-indexing.

№ 7

CSS Stripes

A laborious and probably useless way to induce background stripes with pure text.

№ 8

Pseudo Insanity

The entire visible contents of the page are generated with pseudo elements.

№ 9

CSS Zebra

Simple bi-color headers built with negative margins and backgrounds. Not entirely unattractive.

№ 10

Diagonal Stripes

Yes, it's possible. But it may not be pretty.

№ 11

Background Text

A way to use text as a page background. You should probably not do this.

№ 12

CSS Arrow

Hover event and opacity for an interesting effect.

№ 13

CSS Gradient

Gradient text and hover effects styled with the Adjacent Sibling Selector.

№ 14

Zebra Variant

A basic variant of the CSS Zebra demo. Pretty, candy-like colors.

№ 15

Starry Night

Experiment with basic white-space to create a nifty background of stars.